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1000-1070 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2330 | 2331-2670 | 2671-2740 | 3001-3239 | 3501-3620 |3621-4030 | 4031-5210 | 5211-5610 | 5611-6763 | 7001-8030 | 8031-9053 |

OCe 2001 湯文通、蔣瑞民 1955 稻之休眠性研究。臺大農院研究報告4(1):1-7

Tang, W.T. and S.M. Chiang 1955 Studies on the Dormancy ofRice Seed. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U., 4(1):1-7

OCe 2002 林正義 1955 水稻穗上發芽之研究。()品種間差異。台大農院研究報告4(1):98-104

Lin, C.I. 1955 Studies on Ear-Germination of Rice Plant. I. Varietal Differences in Ear-Germination of Rice Plants. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U., 4(1):98-104

OCe 2003 林正義 1957 影響水稻穗上發芽因子之研究。臺大農院研究報告4(4): 13-24

Lin, C.I. 1957 Investigation on the Factors which Affect the On-Ear-Germination of Rice Plants. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U. 4(4):13-24

OCe 2004 楊景文 1962 抑制稻谷發芽損失之研究。農業工程學報8(1):28-32

Yang, C.W. 1962 Study on the Inhibition of the Germination and Spoilage of the Unhulled Rice Harvested on Rainy Days. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 8(1):28-32

RC 2005 嚴盛添 1968 稻之種子休眠性。科學農業16(9-10):241-247

OCe 2006 藍調 1969 OED保鮮劑對於稻谷抑制發芽之研究。農業研究19(2):43-50

Lan, T. 1969 Studies on the Germination of Rough Rice Inhibited by "OED" Perservitive. J. Agri. Res. China, 19(2):43-50

OEc 2007 Chang, T.T. and S.T. Yen 1969 Inheritance of Grain Dormancy in Four Rice Crosses. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 10(1):1-9

張德慈、嚴盛添 1969 四水稻雜交組合內種子休眠性之遺傳。中研院植物學彙刊10(1): 1-9

OC 2008 王啟柱 1971 水稻之開花結實與休眠性。科學農業19(3-4):106-108

OCe 2009 謝賢文 1973 水稻品種休眠性試驗報告。臺灣農業9(4):181-186

Hsieh, H.W. 1973 The Test on the Dormancy of Rice Varieties. Taiwan Agri. Bimon., 9(4):181-186

OCe 2010 陳貽倫、馮丁樹 1975 稻谷雨季搶救乾燥。農業工程學報21(1):19-26

Chen, Y.L. and T.S. Fon 1975 A Tentative Solution for Rice Emergency Drying in Rainy Seasons. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 21(1):19-26

NC 2011 陳隆澤、邱建中 1976 長粒型秈稻之休眠性與脫粒性研究。稻作改良年報64:199-201

NC 2012 陳隆澤、邱建中 1976 長粒型秈稻之休眠性與脫粒性研究。農試所年報64:97

OCe 2013 李祿豐 1976 稻品種穗上發芽與休眠性之調查研究。科學發展月刊4(2):42-48

Lee, L.F. 1976 Studies on the Ear-Germination and Dormancy of Japonica Rice. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly, 4(2):42-48

OCe 2014 陳隆澤、邱建中 1976 長粒型秈稻之休眠性與脫粒性研究。農業研究25(1):1-6

Chen, L.C. and C.C. Chiu 1976 Studies on the Grain Dormancy and Shattering Habit of Long-Grain Indica Rice. J. Agri. Res. China, 25(1):1-6

OCe 2015 朱鈞、郭華仁 1978 水稻種子休眠性生理特性之研究。科學發展月刊6(11):1043-1054

Chun, C. and W. H.J. Kuo 1978 Physiological Studies on Germination and Dormancy of Rice (Oryza sativa) Seeds. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly, 6(11):1043-1054

NC 2016 林富雄、鐘德月、邱運全、曾瑞雲 1979 水稻休眠性之品種變異及其育種。稻作改良年報67:64-66

NC 2017 陳隆澤、張萬來 1979 水稻品種穗上發芽與休眠性之調查。稻作改良年報67:167-170

OCe 2018 陳隆澤、張萬來、邱鳳廷 1980 水稻品種穗上發芽之變異性及其與休眠性關係之研究。科學發展月刊8(2):151-161

Chen, L.C., W.L. Chang and F.T. Chiu 1980 Studies on the Varietal Differences of Pre-Harvest Sprouting and Its Relationship with Grain Dormancy in Rice. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly, 8(2):151-161

OEc 2019 Liu, P.B.-W. and F. Huber 1980 Nuclear DNA Content in Meristematic Cells of Dormant and Germinating Embryos of Rice Seeds. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 21(1):15-23

劉寶瑋、扈伯爾 1980 休眠性及發芽性水稻種子中再生細胞核DNA含量。中研院植物學彙刊21(1):15-23

NC 2020 陳隆澤、張萬來、邱鳳廷 1980 水稻穗上發芽抵抗性及其他性狀相關性之研究。稻作改良年報68:216-217

NC 2021 陳隆澤、張萬來、邱鳳廷 1981 水稻品種穗上發芽抵抗性之穩定性及其機制之研究。稻作改良年報69:185-188

OCe 2022 郭華仁、朱鈞 1983 水稻穀粒休眠性與catalase無關之證據。中華農學會報(123):13-20

Kuo, W. H.J. and C. Chu 1983 No Relation Between Catalase and Dormancy of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grains. J. Agri. Assn. China, (123):13-20

NC 2023 吳文政 1983 水稻不同品種休眠性測定與打破休眠性試驗報告。海外技術合作簡訊(156):60-63

NC 2024 鐘德月 1984 稻穗上發芽遺傳育種之研究。稻作改良年報(72):69-72

OEc 2025 Kuo, W. H.J. and C. Chu 1985 Prophylatic Role of Hull Peroxidase in the Dormmancy Mechanism of Rice Grain. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 26(1):59-66

郭華仁、朱鈞 1985 稻穀過氧化 :水稻穀粒之預防性休眠機制。中研院植物學彙刊26(1):59-6

OCe 2026 繆進三、姚潤德、林禮輝、陳源泉 1951 秈 稻發芽種子呼吸作用之比較研究。農業研究2(2):32-44

Mou, T.S., Y.T. Yao, L.V. Lin and Y.T. Chen 1951 A Comparative Study on the Respiration of Germinating Rice Between Indica and Japonica Type. J. Agri. Res. China, 2(2):32-4

NCe 2027 萬茲先 1966 種子姿態與萌芽。農專學報(7):13-29

Wan, T.S. 1966 The Gesture of Seed in Relation to its Germination. Bull. Nate. Pingtong Inst. Agri., (7):13-29

OCe 2028 陳宗孟、張新維、顧元亮 1972 CCC對水稻種子澱粉分解及對低溫處理秧苗內物質含量之影響。台大農院研究報告13(1):104-109

Chen, T.M., H.H. Chang and Y.L. Ku 1972 Effect of CCC on Rice Seed Starch Hydrolysis During Germination and Contents

of Young Seedlings Under Chilling. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U., 13(1):104-109

OEc 2029 Chen, T.M., B.F. Wu and L.M. Ko 1972 Effects of Various Promoter-Inhibitors and their Combinations on the Germination of Rice Seeds. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U. 13(1):110-121

陳宗孟、吳邦璠、何麗敏 1972 發芽促進劑和抑制劑個別或相互組合對水稻發芽之影響。台大農院研究報告13(1):110-121

TC 2030 黃啟敏譯 1972 稻種的結構與發芽。農友23(4):6-7

OEc 2031 Yie, S.T. and J.S. Yang 1973 On the Nutrition of Excised Rice Embryo. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 14(1):10-22

易希道、楊瑞森 1973 水稻切離胚的營養研究。中研院植物學彙刊14(1):10-22

OC 2032 陳明哲、高景輝、湯文通 1973 α-amylaze之合成是否為水稻種子發芽之必需條件?科學農業21(9-10):351-353

OEc 2033 Woo, S.C., H.Y. Su, C.M. Ng, and I.J. Tung 1973 Seed Formation on Induced Haploid Plant and Cytology of Another Callus from Hybrid Rice. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 14(1):61-64

吳旭初、蘇秀媛、吳智明、董英俊 1973 單培體水稻的種子誘導和雜種花葯callus細胞的染色體。中研院植物學彙刊14(1):61-64

GC 2035 洪汝煌 1974 如何使用稻谷發芽防止劑。豐年24(19):25

GC 2036 黃添盛 1974 簡易稻種催芽法。農友25(2):12-13

OEc 2037 Yie, S.T. and S.I. Liaw 1975 Studies on the Growth and Development of Excised Embryos of Different Varieties of Rice. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 16(2):149-158

易希道、廖松淵 1975 水稻切離胚在各種條件下的生長與發育。中研院植物學彙刊16(2):149-158

OCe 2038 吳詩都 1975 水稻秧苗生育特性之遺傳育種研究。I.秧苗初期生長與種子所貯藏養分之關係。中華農學會報(89):48-57

Wu, S.T. 1975 Genetic Studies on Seedling Growth in Rice Plant. 1. Seedling Growth Depending Completely on the Materials in Seeds. J. Agri. Assn. China, (89):48-57

OCe 2039 吳詩都 1975 水稻秧苗生育特性之遺傳育種研究。II.種子蛋白質澱粉糖含量及種子大小與秧苗生長力之關係。中華農學會報(91):77-82

Wu, S.T. 1975 Genetic Studies on Seedling Growth in Rice Plant. II. Chemical Contents and Seed Relationship withSeedling Vigor. J. Agri. Assn. China, (91):77-82

OCe 2040 林秀雄 1976 低水溫下水稻種子發芽及生長機構之研究。(I)Gibber-ellic Acid (GA3)種子處理對發芽、生長及澱粉分解酵素活性之影響。中華農學會報(94):1-7

Lin, S.S. 1976 Studies on Rice Seed Germination and Growth Mechanism under Low Water Temperature. (I) The Effects of Seed Treatment with Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on the Germination, Growth and α-Amylase Activity in Rice Seed. J. Agri. Assn. China, (94):1-7 

OC 2041 王啟柱 1977 水稻與雜草之種子耐淹性。科學農業25(3-4):133-134

OCe 2042 蔡文福 1978 加保利(Carbaryl)對水稻種子發芽生育及氮素代謝的影響。中華農學會報(102):43-47

Tsai, W.F. 1978 Effect of Carbaryl on Rice Growth and Nitrogen Metabolism. J. Agri. Assn. China, (102):43-47

NC 2043 農試所 1980 過氧化鈣對直播水稻發芽及生長之影響。農試所年報13-14

OEc 2044 Wu, Y.L. and D.S. Mikkelsen 1981 Some Factors Affecting Germination and Emergence of Water-Sown Rice. J. Agri. Assn. China, (114):1-14

吳育郎 1981 影響湛水直播水稻發芽及生長之因子。中華農學會報 (114):1-14

GC 2045 葉阿德 1982 手工撒播法試驗及研究:水稻省工栽培。興農(156): 26-27

OEc 2046 Shaw, J.F. and L.Y. Chuan 1982 Studies on the α-Amylase from the Germinated Rice Seeds. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 23(1): 45-61

蕭介夫、莊麗月 1982 發芽稻米α-澱粉 之研究。中研院植物學彙刊23(1):45-61

OEc 2047 Ko, S.W., C.K. Wong and S.C. Woo 1983 A Simplified Method of Embryo Culture in Rice of ~SU1 Oryza sativa~SU0 L. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 24(1):97-101

柯淑婉、黃楨傑、吳旭初 1983 水稻胚之簡易接種。中研院植物學彙刊24(1):97-101

OEc 2048 Lee, M.H., P.D. Lee and T.C. Tseng 1985 The Biological Role of Phospholipase D in the germintion Process of Rice Seeds. J. Chinese Agri. Chem. Soc., 23(1/2):95-102

李門輝、李平篤、曾聰徹 1985 磷脂 D在水稻種子發芽過程中之生理功能。中國農業化學會誌23(1/2):95-102

RC 2049 蔡養正、嵇偉康 1986 過氧化鈣處理對水稻幼苗生育之影響。科學農業34(7/8):164-168

NC 2050 張德梅 1977 稻屬種間雜交後幼胚及胚乳發育過程之研究。稻作改良年報65:4-5