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1000-1070 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2330 | 2331-2670 | 2671-2740 | 3001-3239 | 3501-3620 |3621-4030 | 4031-5210 | 5211-5610 | 5611-6763 | 7001-8030 | 8031-9053 |

OCe 2671 鄒瑞珍、李廣武 1979 稻穀摩擦係數之研究。農業工程學報25(1): 48-60

Zou, R.J. and K.W. Lee 1979 Study on the Coefficients of Friction of Rough Rice. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 25(1):48-60

OC 2672 郭義雄 1979 台灣稻穀乾燥機之經濟分析。台灣農業15(5):34-45

GC 2673 陳貽倫 1980 循環式稻谷烘乾機、使用與保養要領。豐年30(13):29

NC 2674 卜瑞雄 1980 脫水劑Harvade對水稻穀粒乾燥之效果試驗。稻作改良年報68:228-230

NC 2675 農試所 1980 脫水劑Harvade對水稻穀粒乾燥之效果試驗。農試所年報68:13

OCe 2676 馮丁樹 1980 靜置式稻谷乾燥機應用雙向送風乾燥之研究。農業工程學報26(2):89-103

Fon, D.S. 1980 Experimental Studies on Rice Drying of Statationary Bed by Reversing the Direction of Hot Air. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 26(2):89-103

OEc 2677 Chen, Y.L. 1980 Relative Humidity Effect on Milling Quality of Rice. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 26(3):97-110

陳貽倫 1980 溫濕度變化對碾米品質之影響。農業工程學報26(3): 97-110

GC 2678 田廣 1980 全自動礱穀機。台灣農村16(4):33-36

OCe 2679 馮丁樹 1983 小型稻穀乾燥機之改善及太陽能源之利用研究。農業工程學報29(4):78-83, 106

Fon, D.S. 1983 A Study on the Improvement of Small-Sized Rice Driers by Using Solar Energy. J. Chinese Agri. Engi., 29(4):78-83, 106

NEc 2680 Lee, K.W. 1984 Rice Drying in Relation to Milling Yield and Quality of Rice. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 30(2):83-89

李廣武 1983 水稻乾燥與碾米率及稻米品質之關係。農業工程學報30 (2):83-89

GC 2681 陸應政 1985 稻穀乾燥機之使用與維護。農業廣播專輯(3):33-35

GC 2682 邱彬坤 1985 稻谷烘乾機正確使用法。台灣農業經濟月刊(227):33

NC 2683 蘇重生 1986 水稻聯合收穫機兼收高粱之性能改良基本試驗。農業試驗所年報(74):131

GC 2684 蕭繼瑀 1986 循環式稻谷乾燥機。豐年36(14):22-24 

GC 2685 奚永之 1955 稻穀倉儲自然損耗率之研究。農友6(4):6-7, 17

OCe 2686 鄔清標、王璧貽、游金泉 1967 水稻收穫機之研究。農業研究16(1): 91-97

Wu, C.P. 1967 Studies on Rice Harvester. J. Agri. Res. China, 16(1):91-97

OCe 2687 謝伯東、楊建俊 1969 各種貯藏條件對於米脂質組成消長之影響。化學(3):37-45

Hsieh, P.T. and C.C. Yang 1969 The Influence of Various Storage Conditions on the Compositions of Rice Lipid. Chemistry (Taiwan), (3):37-45

OEc 2688 Chang, W.L. and C.P. Mao 1972 Effect of Soil Treatment on the Emergence and Growth of Weeds and Rice. J. Agri. Res. China, 21(4):221-226

張萬來、毛振鵬 1972 土壤處理對雜草及水稻萌芽與生長之影響。農農業研究21(4):221-226

OC 2689 張正賢、王沙玲 1972 殺草劑後遺藥效對水稻秧苗期性狀影響之研究。嘉農專學報(5):66-73

GC 2690 張森富 1973 淺談稻谷乾燥設備。豐年23(20):29

OCe 2691 陳貽倫 1974 稻穀乾燥之研究。農業工程學報20(3):20-26

Chen, Y.L. 1974 A Study on Rice Drying in Taiwan. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 20(3):20-26

OCe 2692 陳貽倫 1974 稻穀倉貯之研究。農業工程學報20(1):16-21

Chen, Y.L. 1974 A Study on Rice Storage. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 20(1):16-21

GC 2693 陳貽倫 1975 稻穀乾燥與乾燥機。豐年25(13):30

OCe 2694 盧福明、賈精石、侯信雄 1977 圓筒倉貯存稻穀之研究。農業工程學報23(4):9-23

Lu, F.M., J.S. Jea and H.H. Hou 1977 Study on the Paddy Silo Storage System. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 23(4):9-23

GC 2695 王文杰 1978 水稻不孕症─就病態、生態方面的了解,探求解決之途徑。豐年半月刊28(22):28-29

OCe 2696 朱德民 1978 高溫對水稻不稔實性的影響。科學發展月刊6(11):1055-1063

Chu, T.M. 1978 Effect of High Temperature on the Sterility in Rice. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly 6(11):1055-1063

OCe 2697 李廣武、徐開民 1978 稻米儲藏條件影響碾米率與脂肪酸度之研究。農業工程學報24(1):17-27

Lee, K.W. and K.M. Hsu 1978 Effects of Storage Conditions on Milling Yield and Fat Acidity of Rice. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 24(1):17-27

OCe 2698 盧褔明、陳貽倫 1978 改善稻穀倉庫機械設備之研究。農業工程學報24(1):28-39

Lu, F.M. and Y.L. Chen 1978 Study on the Improvement of Mechanical Handling System of Conventional Paddy Warehouses. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 24(1):28-39

OC 2699 張長泉、劉廷英 1981 稻穀袋裝與散裝貯存之比較。食品工業發展研究所研究報告(215):1-18

NC 2700 林明華 1981 雜種水稻雜交種子之生產方法試驗。稻作改良年報69: 179-181

OCe 2701 陳貽倫 1981 稻谷胴裂與碾米損失。農業工程學報27(1):40-47

Chen, Y.L. 1981 Rice Fissuring and Milling Losses. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 27(1):40-47

GC 2702 莊商路 1981 如何經營水稻採種田。豐年半月刊31(13):20-21

GC 2703 莊商路 1981 如何經營水稻採種田繁殖優良種子。豐年半月刊31(12): 22-23

GC 2704 李潔和 1981 稻米儲存期間品質之變化[1-2]。食品工業13(3):38-40

OCe 2705 盧福明 1981 圓筒倉貯存稻谷之研究(II)結束報告。農業工程學報27 (3):14-27

Lu, F.M. 1981 Study on the Paddy Silo Storage System (II) Final Report. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 27(3):14-27

OCe 2706 盧福明 1983 穀倉機械化作業之研究(II)機械強制通風式控制貯倉稻穀溫度之效果。農業工程學報22(1):52-61

Lu, F.M. 1983 Study on the Mechanization of Grain Storage System (II) Effect of Forced Aeration on the Temperature Controlling of a Paddy Warehouse. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 22 (1):52-61

OCe 2707 湯松義、甘俊二、曹以松、田村恆俊、瀨尾康久、細川明 1984 鋼板圓筒倉儲藏稻穀可行性之研究。農業工程學報30(4):30-61

Tang, S.Y., C.E. Kan, Y.S. Tsao, T. Tamura, Y. Seo and A. Hosokawa 1984 Feasibility Study of Storage of Rice Grain in Steel Bin in Taiwan. J. Chinese Agri. Eng., 30(4):30-61

OC 2708 林文龍 1984 不同栽培地區與儲藏方式對米質之影響。稻作改良年報 (72):19-28

GC 2709 Anonymous 1984 如何儲藏稻穀。台灣農村19(7):30

GC 2710 曾士洵 1985 稻穀儲存技術。食品工業17(3):22-23

GC 2711 劉瑋婷 1985 稻穀的收穫貯存技術。農業廣播專輯(3):29-32

OCe 2712 郭華仁、朱鈞 1986 浸潤脫水處理對水稻種子貯藏性的延長效果:處理的條件。中華農學會報(133):16-24

Kuo, W.H.J. and C. Chu 1986 Prolonging Storability of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seeds by Imbibition-Dehydration Treatment: Conditions of Treatment. J. Agri. Assn. China, (133):16-24

OCe 2713 郭華仁 1986 預測水稻種子活力的改良電導度法。中華農學會報(136): 1-5

Kuo, W.H.J. 1986 Improved Electrical Conductivity Test as a Method Predicting Viability of Rice Seeds. J. Agri. Assn. China, (136):1-5

OCe 2714 洪章訓、李學銓 1950 穀仁樂生(Granosan)溶液消毒稻種之效果。農業研究1(4):1-10

Hung, C.H. and S.C. Lee 1950 The Effects of Granosan Treatment for the Control of Some Seed-borne Diseases of Rice. J. Agri. Res. China, 1(4):1-10

OCe 2715 朱啟魯、簡錦忠、鍾順昌 1963 幾種種子消毒劑對稻熱病及稻苗徒長病病原菌之消毒試驗。農業研究12(2):22-33

Chu, C.L., C.C. Chien and S.C. Jong 1963 Testing on Fungicides for Rice Seed Treatment for Controlling Piricularia oryza CAV. Gibberella fujikuroi (SAW.) WR. J. Agri. Res. China, 12(2):22-33

RC 2716 簡錦忠 1968 稻種子病害。台灣農業4(1):67-75

OEc 2717 Chen, C.C. and T.G. Chou 1968 Statistical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Granosan Solution Repeatedly Used for Rice-Grain Disinfection. Plant Prot. Bull., 10(3): 9-33

陳其昌、周廷光 1968 谷仁樂生連續處理水稻種子後之效力統計分析。植保學會會刊10(3):9-33

OEc 2718 Chiou, C.M. 1970 Nitrogen-Fixing Ability of ~SU1 Clostridium ~SU0 Sp. and the Effect of its Inoculation Upon Rice Yield. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U., 11(1):58-66

邱慶明 1970 ~SU1 Clostridium ~SU0 Sp. 的固氮能力及其接種水稻種子對產量的影響。台大農院研究報告11(1):58-66

OCe 2719 洪雲卿、簡錦忠 1971 稻種消毒的再檢討。農業研究20(1):61-66

Hung, Y.C. and C.C. Chien 1971 Re-Evaluation of Mercuric Fungicides for Rice Seed Treatment. J. Agri. Res. China 20 (1):61-66

GC 2720 劉秉忠 1971 採用純度稻種播前浸種消毒。豐年21(4):32

OEc 2721 Wu, W.S., C.S. Gong and C.C. Chen 1972 Study on the Relations Between Rice Seed-Borne Microflora and Chemical Treatment. NTU Phytopathol. Entom., (2):152-163

吳文希、龔成雄、陳其昌 1972 水稻種子的微生物。台大植病蟲系刊 (2):152-163

OC 2722 邱建中 1972 稻種消毒。豐年22(2):16-17

GC 2723 黃添盛 1972 稻種消毒確保增產。農友23(12):14-15

OCe 2724 簡錦忠、朱啟魯、劉照明 1973 稻種消毒試驗。農業研究22(4):263-269

Chien, C.C., C.L. Chu and J.M. Liu 1973 Studies on Seed Disinfection of Rice. J. Agri. Res. China, 22(4):263-269

NC 2725 蘇昌吉 1982 稻種消毒。台南區農業改良場年報(70):63, 66

GC 2726 蘇淑真 1983 稻種消毒藥30%佈生乳劑使用方法。北農簡訊(105):3

RC 2727 曾信雄、曾聰徹 1985 黃變米毒素─Luteoskyrin之探討。科學農業33(5/6):171-196

OCe 2728 林欉 1959 殺蟲藥劑對於稻穀小麥及大豆種子發芽之影響。中華農學會報新(27):60-62

Lin, T. 1959 The Influence of Insecticides on the Seed Germination Percentage of Rice, Wheat and Soybean during Storage. J. Agri. Assn. China, (27):60-62

OEc 2729 Yeh, B. and M.T. Henderson 1963 Effects from Irradiation of Rice Seed with Gamma Rays and Neutrons on Several Characteristics of the R1 Generation. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 4(2):90-102

葉蒲生、M.T. Henderson 1963 以γ-ray中子處理水稻休眠種子對於其R1植物的若干影響。中研院植物學彙刊4(2):90-102

OEc 2730 Lo, T.C. 1964 Control of Seed Borne Diseases by Radioactive Irradiation. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 5(1):1-16

羅清澤 1964 放線照射對種子傳染病害防治之研究。中研院植物學彙刊5(1):1-16

OE 2731 Oka, H.I. 1963 An Induced Mutent of Rice Showing Abnormal Development of Inner Glumes. Bot. Bll. Acad. Sinica, 4(1):47-50

周彥一 1963 X光線所引起水稻內穎不正常發育的變異。中研院植物學彙刊4(1):47-50

OEc 2732 Wu, Y.L. 1966 Studies on the Radiosensitivity of Rice Seed. Special Issue, Kaushiung District Agricultural Improvement Station, pp.5

吳育郎 1966 水稻種子對于放射線感受性之研究。高雄農改場專輯

OEc 2733 Woo, S.C., C.M. Ng and E.M. Tye 1971 Induction of Mutations in Cultivated Rice by Chemical and Physial Agents. 1. The Effects of Isopropyl Methanesulfonate, Diethyl Sulfate, and Gamma Radiations on Seed Germination and Seedling Height. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, 12(1):10-23

吳旭初、吳智明、戴依姝 1971 水稻化學及物誘變之研究 1. 種子發芽及秧苗生長速度受到ipms, dEsgamma線處理的影響。中研院植物學彙刊12(1):10-23

GC 2734 吳育郎 1976 水稻選種、消毒、催芽。豐年半月刊26(9):28

OCe 2735 曾美倉 1977 水稻粒重、粒型及其他數量性狀之全互交分析。台大農學院研究報告17(2):78-90

Tseng, M.T. 1977 Diallel Analysis of Grain Size Shape and Other Quantitative Characters of Rice Varieties. Mem. Coll. Agri. N.T.U., 17(2):78-90

GC 2736 張森富 1978 育苗中心營運的展望。豐年28(9):12

GC 2737 陳健凡 1978 水稻旱田直播機械化栽培工作報告。台糖通訊63(14): 19-22

OCe 2738 張長泉、劉廷英、呂理焜 1981 稻穀袋裝及散裝貯存之品質及害蟲發生之比較。科學發展月刊9(7):592-602

Chang, T.C., T.Y. Liu and L.K. Leu 1981 Comparison of Quality and Insect Occurrence for the Paddy Rice Stored in Bag and in Bulk. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly, 9(7):592-602

GC 2739 吳維健 1976 加速推廣稻谷烘乾機─降低谷物雨季受損率。豐年26 (17):30

OCe 2740 林文明 1980 稻米在貯藏時期的化學物理性質變化之研究。華岡農科學報(1):261-277

Lin, W.M. 1980 Studies on the Changes of Physicochemical Properties of Rice During Storage.