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1000-1070 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2330 | 2331-2670 | 2671-2740 | 3001-3239 | 3501-3620 |3621-4030 | 4031-5210 | 5211-5610 | 5611-6763 | 7001-8030 | 8031-9053 |

OC 4031 吳啟安、周燈松 1972 黃色種菸草開花之順序與種子質量之關係。科學農業20(7-8):440-441

OCe 4032 王己得 1974 不同施肥量對菸草種子質量影響之研究。菸葉試驗所研究彙報(1):25-29      Wang, C.T. 1974 Effects of Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Tobacco Seed. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (1):25-29

OCe 4033 凌克昌、王己得 1975 利用植物生長調節素改進菸草種子及菸葉質量之研究。菸葉試驗所研究彙報(2):1-8         Ling, K.C. and C.T. Wang 1975 Use of Plant Growth Regulators to Improve on Yield and Quality of Seed and Leaf of Flue-Cured Tabacco. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (2):1-8

OCe 4034 陳盛炎 1978 菸草採種技術改進之研究。 I. 本省菸草天然雜交率之測定。II. 黃免種菸草套袋與不套袋採種對種質量影響之研究。菸試驗所研究彙報(8):1-9          Chen, S.Y. 1978 Studies on the Production Practices of Tobacco Seeds. I. Natural Crossing of Tabacco under the Growth Conditionsof Taiwan. II. Effects of Bagged and Unbagged Flower Head on theYield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Seeds. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (8):1-9

OCe 4035 陳盛炎 1978 菸草採種技術改進之研究。III.不同採種方法對黃色種菸草種子質量影響之研究。菸試驗所研究彙報(9):29-36         Chen, S.Y. 1978 Studies on the Production Practices of Tobacco Seed. III. Effects of Some Management Practices on the Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tabacco Seed. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (9):29-36

OCe 4036 陳盛炎 1979 菸草採種技術改進之研究。IV. 留果數與黃色種菸草種子質量之研究。V. 菸種成熟度對發芽率之影響。菸試驗所研究彙報 (11):11-20      Chen, S.Y. 1979 Studies on the Production Practices of Tobacco Seed. IV. Relationship Between Number of Seed Capsules on the Seed Plant and the Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Seed. V. Effect of Maturity on Germination of Seed of Flue-cured Tobacco. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (11):11-20

NC 4037 張恩雨 1984 菸草種子不同貯藏方法對發芽之影響。台菸月刊21(10): 12-13

NC 4038 張恩雨 1984 菸草種子含水量對發芽率之影響。台菸月刊21(10):12-13

OCe 4039 張佳雄、洪進庭 1984 環境因子對菸種質量影響之研究。(II)肥料用量及採種法對黃色種菸草品種蒴果發育及種子質量之影響。菸試所研究彙報(20):12-20               Chang, C.S. and C.T. Hung 1984 Yield and Quality of Tobacco Seed as Affected by Environmental Factors. II. Effect of Fertilization Rates and Management Practices on Capsule Develoment and Yield as well as Germinability of Seed of Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (20):12-20

OCe 4040 張佳雄、洪進庭、廖謙德 1984 環境因子對菸種質量影響之研究。 (III) 種植期與黃色種菸草品種種子質量之關係。 菸試所研究彙報 (22):1-12          Chang, C.S., C.T. Hung and C.D. Liaw 1984 Yield and Quality of Tobacco Seed as Affected by Environmental Factors. III. Seed Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in Relation to Planting Dates. Bull. Tobacco Res. Inst., (22):1-12

NC 4041 張佳雄、洪進庭 1985 新品種(台菸六號)種子生長不良原因之研究。菸試驗所工作報告(73/74):30-33

OCe 4042 邱秀英、潘文智 1985 省產茶籽油三甘油脂結構及化性之分析。研究報告(食品工業發展研究所)(389):1-11 Chiu, S.Y. and W.P. Pan 1985 Glyceride Structure and Chemical Character Analysis of Taiwan Tea Seed Oils. Food Industry Research and Development Institute (Hsinchu), (389):1-11

OCe 4043 李松、盧永昇 1958 甘蔗種子萌芽試驗報告。糖試所研究彙報(18): 1-13      Lee, S. and Y.S. Loo 1958 Report of Some Experiments on the Germination of True Sugarcane Seed. Rep. Taiwan Sugar Res. Inst., (18):1-13

NC 4044 繆進三、梁廷勳 1951 甘藷種子及其發芽之研究。臺灣農林5(10): 39-41

OC 4045 李開元 1957 新綠肥生草及種子收量試驗。糖試所研究試驗報告(45-46):72-73

OC 4056 王啟柱、王文中、廖文芫、鄭志鴻 1979 樹豆生長積溫與發芽及營養生長之研究─樹豆生長積溫對拔高適應性與產量之影響II。科學農業27(5-6):180-184

OEc 4047 Yeh, M.S., H. Yuasa and K. Kyoda 1986 Identification of the Food Legums Based on the Seedling Morphology. J. Agri. Assn. China, (133):42-51     葉茂生、湯淺浩史、許建昌 1986 發芽初期之形態在食用豆類鑑定之研究。中華農學會報(133):42-51

OCe 4048 李偉明、俞永標、宋賢一 1984 洋刀豆及大刀豆中尿素 含量之研究。中國園藝30(3):196-202           Lee, W.M., Y.B. Yu and H.Y. Sung 1984 Study on the Urease Content of Jack Bean and Sword Bean. J. Hort. Soc. China,

RC 4049 王燕奮 1981 開花環境及蟲媒授粉與豆類種子生產。科學農業29(7/8):237-240

OCe 4050 黃漢津、胡敏夫、劉新裕 1986 藥用植物種子之形態與發芽研究。中華農業研究35(4):449-459                Huang, H.C., M.F. Hu and S.Y. Liu 1986 Studies on the Seed  Morphology and Germinationn of 24 Medicinal Plants. J. Agri. Assn. China, 35(4):449-459

OEc 4051 Chen, F.C. 1950 Chemical Composition of the Drupes of Rhus succedanea Linn. (Part II) The Fatty Oil from the Seed. J. Taiwan Pharm. Assn., 2(1):20                 陳發清 1950 櫨實成分之化學研究。(第二報)櫨實核油之成分。台灣藥學2(1):20

OCe 4052 許鴻源、車忠治 1951 關于中藥處「四神」之營養價值(茯苓、蓮子、准山、芡實、薏苡仁之分析)。台灣藥學3(1):25                  Hsu, H.Y. and C.T. Ch'e 1951 The Nutritive Value of Chinese Formula "Su-Shin".

NC 4053 蘇重生 1986 蓮子加工處理機械之研究。年報(農業試驗所)(74):140

OE 4054 Lee, S. 1959 Report of Some Experiments on the Germination of True Sugarcane Seed. Taiwan Sugar 6(10):23-32

OCe 4701 闕德豐 1970 進口農產品中之雜草種子調查。中華農學會報新(71): 61-82              Chueh, T.H. 1970 Investigation of Weed Seeds Found in Imported Agricultural Products. J. Agri. Assn. China, (71):61-82

OCe 4702 呂理燊、林鳳池 1980 一些屬於菊科、莎草科和禾本科雜草種子之掃描式電子顯微鏡之研究。中華雜草學會會刊1(1):25-31            Leu, L.S. & F.C. Lin 1980 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Seed Morphology of Some Weed Species in Compositae, Cyperaceae, and Gramineae. Weed Sci. Bull., (1):25-31

OCe 4703 呂理燊、林鳳池 1980 21種雜草種子之掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察。中華雜草學會會刊1(2):113-132       Lin, F.C. & L.S. Leu 1980 Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Seed Morphology of 21 Weed Species. Weed Sci. Bull., (1):25-31

OCe 4704 林鳳池、呂理燊、蔣慕琰 1981 十二種雜草種子掃描電子顯微鏡觀察。中華民國雜草學會刊2(2):80-92           Leu, L.S., F.C. Lin and M.Y. Chiang 1981 Scanning Electron Microscoy of Seed Morphology of 12 Weeed Species. Weed Sci. Bull., 2(2):80-92

TC 4705 祥鄉譯 1982 雜草控制發現新方法:用殺草劑處理播種子。台灣農業經濟月刊(199):25

OCe 4706 許褔星 1985 溫度對菅草種子發芽之影響。 畜產研究18(1):143-157       Hsu, F.H. 1985 Temperature Effects on Seed Germination of Miscanthus spp. J. Taiwan Lives. Res., 18(1):143-157

OEc 4707 Chiang M.Y. 1983 Emergence, Growth and Reproduction of Eleven Paddy Weeds in Two Seasons. Weed Sci. Bull., 4(1):1-8                 蔣慕琰 1983十一種水田雜草在雨季中之萌芽、生長及繁殖。雜草學會會刊4(1):1-8

RC 4708 許建昌 1974 禾草的傳播。郭宗德、周昌弘、張崑雄、林飛棧(eds.) 生物與環境研討會講稿集 P. 97-108(南港中研院植物所)

OC 4709 謝杉舟 1979 不同土壤農路面植草之萌芽率調查研究。屏東農專水土保持學報3:1-10

RCe 4710 許褔星 1985 溫度對熱帶牧草種子發芽及萌芽之影響。 中華植物學會"熱帶植物種源保存之進展"。中研院植物所專刊第6號, 熱帶植物研討會論文集 p.139-149              Hsu, F.H. 1985 Effects of Temperature on Seed Germination and Field Emergence of Warm-Season Forage Grasses. in C.H. Chou (ed.) "Tropical Plant", Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei, pp.63-72

OCe 5001 邱阿昌、陳文郁 1972 利用γ線誘導染色體轉座減少西瓜種子數之研究。 I. 小鳳西瓜三對染色體轉座同型結合系統之育成。農業研究21 (2):93-102               Chou, A.C. and W.Y. Chen 1972 The Reduction of Seed Number Of Watermelon Through Chromosomal Translocation Induced by γ-Ray Irradiation. I. Development of Homozygotes of One Translocation in Hsiao-feng Variety. J. Agri. Res. China, 21(2):93-102

OCe 5002 張義弘 1972 三倍體無子西瓜發芽率驟然降落原因之研究。種苗繁殖場試驗報告(1):42-51          Chang, Y.H. 1972 Studies on the Phenomena and Reasons of Decreasing Germination Ratio of Triploid Watermelon after Storage. Bull. Agri. Res. Taiwan Seed Service, (1):42-51

GC 5003 蕭吉雄 1973 胡瓜雜交採種。豐年23(15):19

GC 5004 廖芳心 1979 瓜類留種。豐年29(20):23-24

OCe 5005 楊偉正 1981 胡瓜種子應用不同藥劑處理對花性改變之研究。中華農業研究30(1):21-26              Yang, W.Z. 1981 The Modification of Sex Expression in Gynoecious Cucumber by the Seed Treatment with Chemicals. J. Agri. Res. China, 30(1):21-26

OCe 5006 顏國欽、孫璐西、李東慶 1981 苦瓜子中番茄紅素之研究。(I)成分鑑定,番茄紅素含量之調查及催熟試驗。 中國農業化學會誌19(3/4): 227-235    Yen, G.C., L.S. Hwang and T.c. Lee 1981 Lycopen from the Seeds of Ripe Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) as a Potential Red Food Colorant. I. Identification Survey of Lycopene Content and Ripening Test. J. Chinese Agri. Chem. Soc., 19(3/4):227-235

NC 5007 李銘 1985 種子檢驗快訊。檢驗24(8):13

GC 5008 陳國雄 1976 西瓜雜交採種。豐年26(9):18-19

OC 5009 郁宗雄 1963 改進三倍體西瓜種子發芽力及三倍體西瓜果實品質之研究。鳳山園試所專報(27):1-23

NC 5201 李銘 、郭振德 1985 豌豆種子發芽試驗之比較研究。檢驗24(11): 20-23

NCe 5202 謝佑祥、陳庚鳳 1982 紅豆種子藥劑處理試驗。高雄區農業改良場試驗研究報告92-95           Hsieh, Y.H. and K.f. Chen 1982 Tests on Seed Treatment with Fungicide in Adzuki Bean.

OE 5203 Tsai Chiang , S.H. and A.P. Tsou 1974 The Establishment of the Anatomical Zonation in the Root Apex of ~SU1 Phaseolus radiatus. Taiwania 19(1):96-105              江蔡淑華、鄒安平 1974 綠豆根端在發芽期間分生組織區之轉變。台大植物學系研究報告19(1):96-105

OCe 5204 張喜寧、林瑞松 1977 綠豆芽生產之研究。()物理加壓生產綠豆芽之生理研究。中國園藝23(3):129-134                  Chang, C.N. and R.S. Lin 1977 The Study of Mung Bean Sprouts Production. (I) A Physiological Study for Mung Bean Sprouts Production by Physical Pressure. J. Hort. Soc. China, 23(3): 129-134

OEc 5205 Tsai Chiang S.H. and A.P. Tsou 1975 Ultrastructure of the  Cells in Root Apical Meristem of Phaseolus Associated withGermination. Taiwania 20(1):59-70         江蔡淑華、鄒安平 1975 綠豆根端在分生組織發芽期之細胞微細構造。台大植物學系研究報告20(1):59-70

OE 5206 Tsai Chiang S.H. and T. Chou 1977 Cytoplasmic Insoluble Polysaccharides in the Apical Meristems of Phaseolus radiatus. Associated with Seed Germination. Taiwania 22:23-28                江蔡淑華、周淡 1975 綠豆在發芽期間頂端分生組織內之碳水化合物。台大植物學系研究報告22:23-28

OCe 5207 洪登村 1980 Ethephon 對綠豆芽生長之影響。中國園藝26(2-3):98-105             Horng, D.S. 1980 Effect of Ethephon on the Growth of Mungbean Sprouts. J. Hort. Soc. China, 26(2-3):98-105

OCe 5208 張喜寧 1980 綠豆芽生產之研究。(II)臺灣常用處理綠豆芽之「賀爾蒙」藥劑成分及其殘餘效應。中國園藝26(1):11-17                 Chang, C.N. 1980 The Study of Mungbean Sprout Production. (II) The Composition of the Widely Applied "Hormone" Chemical and its Residue Effect on Mungbean Sprouts in Taiwan. J. Hort. Soc. China, 26(1):11-17

OCe 5209 丁一倪、何芳陔 1971 磁場對發芽種子代謝影響之研究(第二報)對於含磷化合物的分解轉移和再合成以及排泄的影響。 農化學會誌 9(3-4):99-109 Ting, I.N. and H.K. Ho 1971 Studies on the Influence of Magnetic Field on the Metabolism of Germinating Seeds. Part II. Effects of Magnetic Field on the Decomposition, Translocation and Resynthesis of Phosphorus-containing Compounds and Excretion. J. Chinese Agri. Chem. Soc., 9(3-4): 99-109

OCe 5210 丁一倪、何芳陔 1971 磁場對發芽種子代謝影響之研究(第一報)對於生長及含氮化合物的分解轉移和再合成的影響。農化學會誌 9(1-2): 26-35 Ting, I.N. and H.K. Ho 1971 Studies on the Influence of Magnetic Field on the Metabolism of Germinating Seeds. Part I. Effects of Magnetic Field on the Decomposition, Translocation and Resynthesis of Nitrogen-containing ComCompounds. J. Chinese Agri. Chem. Soc., 9(1-2):26-35