Former website (1997-2015) of the Seed Laboratory, National Taiwan University
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種子學(種子科學、種子技術、種子生理學)  種子文學、種子音樂、種子圖畫、種子寫真、植物圖畫、花卉郵票、花園景觀、台灣田莊  作物生產概論、個別作物學  農業倫理、糧食與農業相關議題 

漢文書目 (回書目)

●王景升 (主編) 1991 種子科學與技術。 遼寧科學技術出版社

●王裕文、郭華仁 1990 種子分析巨集程式。台灣大學農藝學系

●宋戴炎(譯) 1964 種子生活力之速測法農復會

●林俊義、陳培昌(主編) 1988 園藝種苗產銷技術研討會專刊。種苗繁殖場

●林讚標 1996 林木種子採集、處理、儲藏、休眠與發芽。林業叢刊第66號,林業試驗所,台北。

●近藤萬太郎 1933 日本農林種子學。前、後編,東京養賢堂

●金恆鑣、楊永鈺(譯)1995 種子的信仰。大樹,台北(Faith in A Seed. Written by H.D. Thoreau, ed. by B.P. Dean, 1993, Island Press.)

●徐嘉妍 譯 2010 種子哪裡來?令人驚歎的種子生態、演化與應用。商周出版。(Silvertown, J. 2009 An Orchard Invisible: A Natural History of Seeds. University Of Chicago Press. )

●郭華仁 1989 台灣種子文獻索引。台灣大學農藝學系

●陶嘉齡、鄭光華 1991 種子活力。 北京科學出版社

●傅家瑞 1985 種子生理。 北京科學出版社 [劉德英 1988 五洲出版社]

●馮丁樹(譯) 1973 種子乾燥徐氏基金會

●趙玉巧、趙英華、王友善 (編) 1998 新編種子知識大全。 中國農業科技出版社,北京

●楊勝任 2002 台灣具翅種子。國立屏東大學森林系

●種子檢查室(譯) 1986 國際種子檢查規則。 種子檢查室

●鐘永立、張乃航 1990 台灣重要林木種子技術要覽。 林業試驗所,台北。

Seed Biology in General (回書目)

Adkins, S.W., S.E. Ashmore and S.C. Navie (eds.) 2007 Seeds : Biology, Development and Ecology.  Wallingford, UK.
●Agrawal and Dadlani 1987 Techniques in Seed Science and Technology. South Asian Publishers, PVT LTD., New Delhi.
●Barton, L.V. (ed.) 1967 Bibliography of Seeds. Columbia University Press, New York.
●Basra, A.S.(ed.) 1995 Seed Quality. Haworth Press, New York.
●Basra, A.S.(ed.) 2006 Handbook of Seed Science and Technology.  Food Products Press, New York.
●Black, M., J.D. Bewley and P. Halmer  (Eds.) 2006 The Encyclopedia of Seeds: Science, Thchnology and Uses. CABI Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
Black, M. and J.D. Bewley, (Eds.) 2000 Seed Technology and its Biological Basis. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield.
Black, M., K.J. Bradford and J. Vazquez-Ramos (eds.) 2000 Seed biology : Advances and Applications. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Seeds, Merida, Mexico, 1999. CABI Pub., New York.
●Chin, H.F. and E.H. Roberts (eds.) 1980 Recalcitrant Crop Seeds. Tropical Press SDN. BHD. Kuala Lumpur.
●Copeland, L.O. 1976 Principles of Seed Science and Technology. Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota. (1st ed.)
●Copeland, L.O. and M.B. McDonald 1995 Principles of Seed Science and Technology. 3rd. edition. Maxwell MacMillan International, New York. (2 nd., 1985)
(2001, 4th ed.)
Egli, D.B. 1998 Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops. CAB International. Wsallingford, England.
●Gutterman, Y. 1993 Seed Germination in Desert Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Kozlowski, T.T.(ed.)1972 Seed Biology. Vol.1-3, Academic Press, New York.
●McDonald, M.B. 1989 Seed Science and Technology Laboratory Manual. Iowa State University Press, Ames.

Nicolás, G., K.J. Bradford, D.Côme, and H.W. Pritchard 2003 The Biology of Seeds: Recent Research Advances. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
●Roberts, E.H.(ed.) 1972 Viability of Seeds. Butterworths, London.
●Standwood, P.C. and M.B. McDonald (eds.) 1989 Seed Moisture. Crop Science Society of America, special publication, no.14, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.



Seed Botany  (回書目)

●Corner, E.J.H. 1976 The Seeds of Dicotyledon.Vol.1-2. Cambridge University Press, London.
●Delorit, R.J. 1970 An Illustrated Taxonomy Manual of Weed Seeds. Agronomy Publications. River Falls, Wisconsin.
●Delorit, R.J. and C.R. Gunn 1986 Seed of Continental United States Legumes (Fabaceae). Agronomy Publication. River Falls, Wisconsin.
●Johri, B.M. 1984 Embryology of Angiosperms. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Kesseler, R. 2006 Seeds : Time Capsules of Life. Firefly Books, Richmond Hill, Ont.
●Kirkbride, J.H. 2012 Fruits and Seeds of Genera in the Subfamily Faboideae (Fabaceae). General Books LLC, Memphis.
●Martin, A.C. and W.D. Barkley 1961 Seed Identification Manual. University of California Press. Berkeley & Los Angeles.
●Flood, R.J. and G.C. Gates 1986 Seed Identification Handbook. National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge.
●Young, J.A. and C.G. Young 1992 Seeds of Woody Plants in North America. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
●Zimdahl, R.L., R.T. Lubigan, K. Moody and M.O. Mabbayad 1989 Seeds and Seedlings of Weeds in Rice in South and Southeast Asia. IRRI, Manila.

Seed Ecology (回書目)

Baskin, J. and C. Baskin 1998 Seeds: Ecology, Biogeography, and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination. Academic Press, New York.
●Fenner, M. 1985 Seed Ecology. Chapman and Hall, London.
●Fenner, M.(ed) 2000 Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities. 2nd ed., CAB International, Wallingford, UK.  (1st ed., 1992)
●Forget,P.-M., J.E. Lambert, P.E. Hulme, S.B. Vander Wall (Eds.) 2005 Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment. CABI Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
●Gutterman,Y. 1993 Seed Germination in Desert Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Hendry, G.A.F. and J.P. Grime 1993 Methods in Comparative Plant Ecology: A Laboratory Manual. Chapman and Hall, London.
●Heydecker,W.(ed) 1973 Seed Ecology. Butterworths, London.
●Fleming, T.H. and A. Estrada 1993 Frugivory and Seed Dispersal: Ecological Evolutionary Aspects. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
●Leck, M.A., V.T. Parker and R.L. Simpson(eds.) 1989 Ecology of Soil Seed Banks. Academic Press, San Diego.
●Murray, D.R. (ed) 1987 Seed Dispersal. Academic Press, San Diego.
●Pijl, L. van der 1972 Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants. Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Priestley,D.A. 1986 Seed Ageing: Implication for Seed Storage and Preservation in the Soil. Cornell Univ. Press.


Seed Physiology (回書目)

Bench-Arnold, R.L. and R.A. Sánchez (eds.) 2004 Handbook of Seed Physiology: Applications to Agriculture. Food Products Press, New York.
●Bewley, J.D. and M. Black 1978 Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds in Relation to Germination.vol.1, Development, Germination, and Growth. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Bewley, J.D. and M. Black 1982 Physiology and Biochemistry of Seeds in Relation to Germination.vol.2,Viability, Dormancy, and Environmental Control. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Bewley, J.D. and M. Black 1994 Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination. Second ed., Plenum Press, New York and London. (1st ed., 1985)
Bewley, J.D., K.J. Bradford, H.W.M. Hilhorst and H. Nonogaki 2012 Seeds: Physiology of Development, Germination and Dormancy, 3rd Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
●Bradbeer, J.W. 1988 Seed Dormancy and Germination. Chapman and Hall, London.
●Bradford, K. and H. Nonogaki (eds.) 2007 Seed Development, Dormancy, and Germination. Blackwell Publing, Oxford and Iowa.
●Bryant, J.A. 1985 Seed Physiology. Edward Arnold, London.
●Crocker, W. and L.V. Barton 1957 Physiology of Seeds. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, Mass.
●Khan, A.A.(ed.) 1982 The Physiology and Biochemistry of Seed Dormancy and Germination. Second edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam. (1st ed., 1978)
●Kigel, J. and G. Galili (eds.) 1995 Seed Development and Germination. Marcel Dekker, New York.
●Mayer, A.M. and A. Poljakoff-Mayber 1990 The Germination of Seeds. 4th edition. Pergamon, New York.
●McDonald, .B. Jr. and C.J. Nelson (eds.) 1986 Physiology of Seed Deterioration. Crop Science Society of America, Madison.
●Murray, D.R. (ed.) 1984 Seed Physiology. Vol.1, Development. Academic Press, Sydney.
●Murray, D.R. (ed.) 1984 Seed Physiology. Vol.2, Germination and Reserve Mobilization. Academic Press, Sydney.
●Pinfield, N.J. and M. Black (eds.) 1987 Growth Hormones and Seeds. British Plant Growth Regulator Group, Monograph no. 15. BPGRG, Wellesbourne.
●Prakash,  M. (ed.) 2011 Seed Physiology of Crops. Satish Serial Pub. House, Delhi.
●Simpson, G.M. 1990 Seed Dormancy in Grasses. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
●Taylorson, R.B.(ed.) 1989 Recent Advances in the Development and Germination of Seeds. Plenum Press, New York.
●West, S.H. (ed.) 1986 Physiological-Pathological Interactions Affecting Seed Deterioration. Crop Science Society of America, Madison.



Seed Technology  (回書目)

●Agrawal, R.L. 1998 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding and Hybrid Seed Production. Science Publishers, Inc.
Almekinder, C.J.M. and N. Louwaars 1999 Farmers' Seed Production. Intermediate Technology Publications, LOndon.
●Basra, A.S. (ed.) 1995 Seed Quality. Haworth Press, New York.
●Basra, A.S. 1999 Heterosis and Hybrid Seed Production in Agronomic Crops. Haworth Press, New York.
●Bekendam, J. and R. Grob 1979 Handbook for Seedling Evaluation. 2nd ed.(1st ed., 1969), ISTA, Zurich.
●Bould, A. 1986 Handbook on Seed Sampling. ISTA, Zurich.
●Chin, H.F., I.C. Enoch and R.M. Raja Harun (eds.) 1977 Seed Technology in the Tropics. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor.
●Connolly, B. 2011 Organic Seed Production and Saving : The Wisdom of Plant Heritage. Chelsea Green Publication,
●Copeland, L.O. and M.B. McDonald 1995 Seed Production: Principles and Practice. Chapman and Hall, New York.
(2001, 4th ed.)
●Desai, B.B., P.M. Kotecha and D.K. Salunkhe 1997  Seed Handbook. Biology, Production, Processing, and Storage. Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel and Hong Kong.
●Desai, B.B. 2004 Seeds Handbook : Biology, Production, Processing, and Storage. (2nd ed.) Marcel Dekker, New York.
●De Tempe, J. and J. Binnerts 1979 Introduction to Methods of Seed Health Testing. ISTA, Zurich.
●Draper, S.R. and R.J. Cooke (eds.) 1984 Biochemical Tests for Cultivar Identification. ISTA, Zurich.
Elias, S.G., L.O. Copeland, M.B. McDonald and R.Z. Baalbaki 2012 Seed Testing: Principles and Practices. Michigan State University Press.
Ellis, R.H., T.D. Hong and E.H. Roberts 1985 Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Vol.1, Principles and Methodology. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome.
●Ellis, R.H., T.D. Hong and E.H. Roberts 1985 Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. Vol.2, Compendium of Specific Germination Information and Test Recommendations. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome.
Fairey, D.T. and J.G. Hampton (eds.) 1998 Forage Seed Production, Volume 1: Temperate Species.
CAB International,Wallingford; New York.
●Felfoldi, E.M. 1987 Handbook of Pure Seed Definitions. 2nd. edition(1st ed., 1983), ISTA, Zurich.
●George, R.A.T 2009 Vegetable Seed Production. 3rd. edition, CABI, Wallingford, UK.
●Gordon, A.G. and P. Gosling 1991 Handbook of Tree and Shrub Seed Testing. ISTA, Zurich.
●Gordon, A.G. and D.C.F. Rowe 1982 Seed Manual for Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Forestry Commission Bulletin 59, HMSO, London.
●Gregg, B. and G. Billups 2009 Seed Conditioning, Volume 1: Management, A Practical Advanced-Level Guide.
Science Publishers, Enfield, USA.
●Gregg, B. and G. Billups 2010 Seed Conditioning, Volume 2: Technology--Parts A & B. Science Publishers, Enfield, USA.
●Gregg, B. and G. Billups 2010 Seed Conditioning, Volume 3: Crop Seed Conditioning. Science Publishers, Enfield, USA.
●Hampton, J.G. and D.M. Tekrony (eds.) Handbook of Vigour Test Methods. 3rd ed. International Seed Testing Association, Zurich.

Hebblethwaite, P.D. (ed.) 1980 Seed Production. Butterworths, London.
Hong, T.D., S. Linington & R.H. Ellis 1998 Compendium of Information on Seed Storage Behaviour. Vol. I & II. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, England.
Hutchins, J.D. and J.C. Reeves (eds.) 1997 Seed Health Testing : Progress towards the 21st Century. CAB International, Wallingford; New York.
●ISTA 1993 International Rules for Seed Testing. Seed Science and Technology, Vol.21, supplement.
●Jeffs, K.A. (ed.) 1986 Seed Treatment. Second edition, British Crop Protection Council, Bracknell.
●Justice, O.L. and L.N. Bass 1978 Principles and Practices of Seed Storage. USDA Agricultural Handbook no. 506.
●Kelly, A.F. 1988 Seed Production of Agricultural Crops. Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, UK.
●Kelly, A.F. and R.A.T. George 1998  Encyclopaedia of Seed Production of World Crops. Jhon Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Winheim, Brisbane, Singapore and Toranto.
●Konarev, V.G. and I.P. Gavriljuk 1988 Biochemical Identification of Varieties. ISTA, Zurich.
●Langkamp, P.J.(ed.) 1987 Germination of Australian Native Plant Seed. Inkata Press, Melbourne, Sydney.
●Linskens, H.F. and J.F. Jackson 1992 Seed Analysis. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, Vol. 14. Springer, Berlin.
Loch. D.S. and J.E. Ferguson (eds.) 1999 Forage Seed Production, Volume 2: Tropical and Subtropical Species.
CAB International,Wallingford; New York.
●McDonald, M.B., and  F.Y. Kwong (Eds.) 2004 Flower Seeds: Biology And Technology. CABI Publishing.
Wallingford, UK.
●Madsen, E. (ed.) 1985 Handbook for Home-Made Equipment for Seed Testing. ISTA, Zurich.
●Madsen, E. and N.E. Langkilde (eds.) 1987 Cleaning of Agricultural and Horticultural Seeds on Small-Scale Machines. Part I(1987) and II(1988). ISTA, Zurich.
●Martin, T. (ed.) 1994 Seed Treatment: Progress and Prospects. John Smith & Son.
●Mclean, K.A. 1974 Drying and Storing Combinable Crops. Farming Press. Ipswich, UK.
●Meyer, U. and A.M. Steiner 1989 Statistical Evaluation of Electrophoresis Results in Cultivar Verification and of Other Tests with Alternative Indicators in Seed Testing as Germination, Tetrazolium, Health, Excised-Embryo and X-ray Test. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt, West Germany.
●Moore, R.P. 1993 Handbook of Tetrazolium Testing. 2 nd. edition(1st ed., 1985), ISTA, Zurich.
●Payne, R.C. (ed.) 1993 Handbook of Variety Testing: Growth chamber - Greenhouse Testing Provedures. ISTA, Zuirch.
●Payne, R.C. (ed.) 1993 Handbook of Variety Testing: Rapid Chemical Identification Techniques. ISTA, Zurich.
●Perry, D.A.(ed.) 1987 Handbook of Vigour Test Methods. 2nd ed. ISTA, Zurich.
●Richardson, M.J. 1990 An Annotated List of Seed-borne Diseases. ISTA, Zurich.
●Salunkhe, D.K., B.B. Desal, and N.R. Bhat 1987 Vegetable and Flower Seed Production. Agricole Publishing Academy, New Delhi.
●Schoen, J.F. 1993 Handbook of Variety Testing: Laboratory Tests for Variety Determination with Fungal Pathogens. ISTA, Zurich.
●Thomson, J.R. 1979 An Introduction to Seed Technology. Leonard Hill, London.
●Ulvinen, O., A. Voss, H.C. Baekgaard, and P.E. Terning 1973 Testing for Genuineness of Cultivars. ISTA, Zurich.
●USDA 1948 Woody-plant Seed Manual. Forest Service, United State Department of Agriculture, Washington.
●Wheeler, W.A. and D.D. Hill 1972 Grassland Seeds. D. van Nostrand Co., Princeton.
●Young, J.A. and C.G. Young 1986 Collecting, Processing and Germinating Seeds of Wildland Plants. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.

Seed Industry  (回書目)

●Douglas, J.E.P. (ed.) 1980 Successful Seed Programs: A Planning and Management Guide. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
●Frost & Sullivan, Inc. 1990 A Strategic Assessment: The Impact of Biotechnology on the European Market for Horticultural Seeds and Propagated Stock. Frost & Sullivan, Inc., New York.
●Groosman, T., A. Linnemann and H. Wierema 1991 Seed Industry Development in a North-South Perspective. Pudoc, Wageningen.
●Kelly, A.F. 1989 Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
● Kinchy, A. 2011 Seeds, Science, and Struggle : The Global Politics of Transgenic Crops. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
●Kloppenburg, J. K. (ed) 1988 Seed and Sovereignty: the Use and Control of Plant Genetic Resources. Duke Univ. Press, Durham.
●Kloppenburg, J.R. 2005 First the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology, 1492-2000. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
●McDonald, M.B. and W.D. Pardee 1985 The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry. Crop Science Society of America, Madison.
●Mooney, P.R. 1979 Seeds of the Earth: A Private or Public Resources? International Coalition for Development Action, London.