Former website (1997-2015) of the Seed Laboratory, National Taiwan University
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種子學(種子科學、種子技術、種子生理學)  種子文學、種子音樂、種子圖畫、種子寫真、植物圖畫、花卉郵票、花園景觀、台灣田莊  作物生產概論、個別作物學  農業倫理、糧食與農業相關議題 


Multiple Cropping System




The growing of two or more crops on the same field during the same year.  All forms of multiple cropping have the potential to utilize the soil more efficiently, resulting in greater production from a given unit of land. This is especially true in tropical or subtropical areas of the world with wet and dry seasons. 

Where water for irrigation is available, exploitation of the abundant solar energy in the dry season is possible. Double, triple, and even quadruple cropping has dramatically increased food production in some countries--making them exporters instead of importers of food crops. Less dramatic increases can also result from other forms of multicropping. 

Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), for example, can complete their life cycle in dry periods, if fertilized and relay planted in corn or maize (Zea mays L.) toward the end of the wet season.



  1. 續作:sequential cropping,The crops which are grown one after another.

  2. 宿根栽培:ratoon cropping, The second or later crops are the result of regrowth of the first crop. 可進行宿根栽培的作物包括甘蔗、高粱、水稻、棉花、鳳梨、香蕉等。


1. Reduced cost of production through savings in land preparation and care for the plant; 
2. Reduced crop cycle: crop planted less often, so replanting cycle is longer; 
3. Better use of growing season; 
4. Higher yield per unit area in a given period of time; 
5. Less use of irrigation water and fertilizer than main (original) crop because of a shorter growing period; 
6. Simple and effective way to provide windbreaks for vegetable production. 


1. Later crops have lower yields than the first crop; 
2. Buildup of insect pests; 
3. Buildup of harmful weeds; 
4. Increased disease problems; 
5. Greater cost per unit produced; 
6. Where heavy equipment is used, the soil may become hard, causing poor drainage and lack of oxygen for roots; 
7. Loss of crop density (number of plants per unit of land); 
8. Growth of volunteer seedlings inferior to sown variety.

  1. 間作:intercropping,Two or more crops are grown simultaneously on the same plot of land.

採用發展於我國,特殊的糊子栽培 (糊也栽培,糊仔栽培),是適用於水稻田的特殊接替間作(Relay intercropping),以時間爭取空間。


複作指數的計算    見 王啟柱 1983 台灣農業 19(6): 26-30.

  • 包括長期作物---------------(式1)

作物複作指數 = 100 ´ [作物總面積][耕地總面積

  • 不包括長期作物---------------(式2)

作物複作指數 = 100 ´ [作物總面積 - 長期作物面積][耕地總面積 - 長期作物面積

  • 包括綠肥與單年生青刈作物---------------(式3)

作物複作指數 =  100 ´ [單年生作物總面積][耕地總面積 - 多年生作物面積






1948 1953 1959 1964 1975 1981
式1 160.3 170.4 181.1 189.7 180.9 155.2
式2 203.6 195.8 197.4 199.0 188.4 155.3
式3 231.9 230.6 236.3 246.8 228.6 188.6




1990 129.8 149.6
1991 127.5 145.9
1992 124.3 140.8
1993 123.1 139.5
1994 118.7 131.7
1995 118.7 131.6
1996 114.4 124.2
1997 115.0 125.0
1998 111.4 119.4
1999 108.8 114.5









FFTC 1974 Multiple Cropping Systems in Taiwan. FFTC, Taipei. (亞太糧肥技術中心)

Multiple Cropping Systems: A Basis for Developing an Alternative Agriculture  http://www.princeton.edu/~ota/disk2/1985/8512/851207.PDF