Former website (1997-2015) of the Seed Laboratory, National Taiwan University
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種子學(種子科學、種子技術、種子生理學)  種子文學、種子音樂、種子圖畫、種子寫真、植物圖畫、花卉郵票、花園景觀、台灣田莊  作物生產概論、個別作物學  農業倫理、糧食與農業相關議題 



另見本網站:有機野譚   農業生物多樣性

有機農業的定義  Organic  agriculture, Organic farming 

  1. 有機農業是一種生產食物以及纖維的體系,此體系的操作特點是不使用化學肥料以及農藥,而是仰賴生物多樣性,以及土壤肥力的維持與充實。

  2. 有機農業是依據生態原理以進行食物以及纖維生產的一種管理體系,此體系的操作盡量減少農場外的各項生產資材,而是仰賴生態平衡的維持、增進、以及修補,盡量使得農場成為一個完整的有機體 (Organism) 或生態系 (Ecosystem)。  (美國 National Organic Standards Board - April 1995)

  3. 有機農業是遵守自然資源循環永續利用原則,不允許使用合成化學物質,強調水土資源保育與生態平衡之管理系統,並達到生產自然安全農產品目標之農業。 (農委會)

  4. Organic  agriculture  refers to particular farming practices that have been followed and certified by a third-party inspector. This organic certification is found on the product in the marketplace, indicating to consumers that it has been grown in a specific way. 

    Briefly, organic guidelines have been written in an attempt to be as sustainable as possible (using the definitions above), while assuring the consumer that the amount of pesticide residue on the food product is minimized. 

    Organic guidelines require that a crop rotation and soil-building practices be used; that pest control rely primarily on cultural, mechanical, and biological controls; and that pesticides used as a last resort are from plants and are short-lived in the environment. 

    Soil amendments should come from renewable resources as much as possible and only nonrefined mined products used, when manure, composts, or other sources of nutrients are not available. (KSU)



1. 秀明自然農法 (Sumei Natural Agriculture)

http://www.shumei-na.org/    秀明自然農法實施綱要

 2. 樸門農業 Permaculture ("Permanent agriculture" 或 "Permanent culture"的縮寫)

『它是一套設計人類聚落與多年生農業系統的方法,它從自然界中找尋各種可仿效的生態關係。它起源於澳洲生態學家比爾莫利森、大衛霍姆格倫及其夥伴在1970年代所出版的一系列刊物。這個詞是由「永久的」「農業」,或「永恆的」「文化」所構成。 它目的是藉由迅速培訓許多人,讓他們了解一套核心的設計原則,而有能力設計自己的環境,並建立起能夠自我維持的人類聚落,這新型態的社會將減少人們對於工業化生產和分配系統的結構性依賴,莫利森認為社會對工業化體系的依賴,造成地球生態系統全面而徹底的毀滅。 雖然它的緣起是一種農業生態設計理論,但如今已在國際上擁有眾多的追隨者。這個「永續文化社群」透過網路、出版品、永續設計園圃、自主社區、培訓計畫以及網際網路論壇,不斷在原有的概念上持續擴大,並集結了多種另翼文化的思想。如今的永續設計,已經不只是一套設計方法,它也是讓人類重回地球生界的一種文化。』

摘自 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%B8%E9%96%80

Permaculture is about designing ecological human habitats and food production systems. It is a land use and community building movement which strives for the harmonious integration of human dwellings, microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, and water into stable, productive communities. 

The focus is not on these elements themselves, but rather on the relationships created among them by the way we place them in the landscape. This synergy is further enhanced by mimicking patterns found in nature. 

A central theme in permaculture is the design of ecological landscapes that produce food. Emphasis is placed on multi-use plants, cultural practices such as sheet mulching and trellising, and the integration of animals to recycle nutrients and graze weeds.   (ATTRA)


3. 素食有機園藝  Vegan organic horticulture (生態村 Ecological village)

Vegan organic horticulture is a method of growing plants without the use of chemical fertilizers, sprays etc and without using any animal products (except those obtained from humans). 

It is a system of caring for the soil in a sustainable way to ensure it retains its fertility for future generations. 

It is a method of growing plants that works in harmony with nature, encouraging a wide diversity of plant and animal life to share the land with us. (PFAF)

4. 生物動態農法 Biodynamics Farming 
                    參考 http://www.biodynamics.com/

5. 再生式有機農法 Regenerative Organic Farming
另見  再生農業


有機農業體系下的植物保護技術 (病蟲害以及雜草)



雜草防除Weed  Management on Organic Farms


  • 輪作   經常輪作改變農地環境,可以減少雜草數量,並且防止特定雜草成為優勢族群。

  • 覆蓋作物  覆蓋作物改變土壤溫度、水分與光照環境,可以限制雜草種子的發芽與生長。

  • 可分解覆地物   用可分解覆地物(mulch)也可以抑制雜草發芽與生長。

  • 耕犁  耕犁或者做畦會攪動土壤,讓種子順利發芽,然後清除幼苗。重複幾次可以減少土中雜草種子數量。

  • 太陽熱   夏季高溫時可用抗紫外線,厚度1-2 mm的黑塑膠布緊覆保持濕潤的田畦,令太陽熱不會外洩約六週,可以殺死雜草種子與幼苗。

  • 動物    將鴨、鵝釋放稻田間可以取食雜草,但要注意使用時機與方式,避免作物受到傷害。

  • 可用的除草劑  精油、醋酸、大蒜液、肥皂等皆可以用來除草。

  • 昆蟲  步行蟲科、蟋蟀科昆蟲可以掠食雜草種子與幼苗※降低雜草族群。



