a05.gif (1361 bytes)   台大種子研究室



  • 國內一般文章

郭華仁 2005 農業遺傳資源的管理與利用

郭華仁等  2005 植物資源取得與惠益分享的國際規範

林宜男 2004 糧食與農業之植物基因資源國際相關規範之研析

台一雜誌 2004 (133概說植物基因資源與智慧財產權── 當「生物多樣性公約」遇見「貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」();(134期) 當「生物多樣性公約」遇見「貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」()

郭華仁 2002 國際糧農植物種源條約

鄭敦宇 2001 從國際法談海洋生物多樣性之新

郭華仁 2000 原住民的植物遺傳資源權與傳統知識權

郭華仁謝銘洋 2000 當生物多樣性對上WTO ─ 我們要不要聽美國的

郭華仁、謝銘洋 1999 種子戰爭我國贏得了嗎?CBD 與TRIPs兩大國際公約的對立中我國應有的對策。自由時報,五月二十日。

郭華仁 1999  對於CBD國家報告書中有關植物種原部分的一些意見。 (立法院永續會「生物多樣性公約國家報告書」評論研討會)。頁47-56。立法院,台北市。

郭華仁 1999 遺傳資源取得與公平分享方面的國際進展(立法院公聽會發言資料)

林紋翠,郭華仁(譯) 1993 亞馬遜河上游原住民的植物種源保存及其豐岐性。科學農業 41: 42-45.

郭華仁 1991 論植物種源制度。種苗通訊 (6), p5-7.

郭華仁 1990 植物種源與農業生機。農藥世界 (79):83-85.


  • 智慧財產局提供資料




  • 國外一般文章

M. Bellot-Rojas and S. Bernier (eds.) 2004 International Expert Workshop on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing. Cuernavaca, Mexico.

European Community 2002 Second report of the European Community to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Thematic report on access and benefit-sharing.

SRISTI, W.P. No.2002-08—01, August 2002, Gene Patents and the Genetic Resource Recognition Fund: Sharing benefits from use of plant genetic resources by agro-biotechnological inventions and traditional agricultural practices, A case study based on the data collected from Mali.

A. Seiler and G. Dutfield  2001 Regulating Access and Benefit Sharing Basic issues, legal instruments, policy proposals.

L. Glowka, B. Pisupati, S. de Silva, (Editors) 2001 Access to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Lessons from South and Southeast Asia.

B.  Visser,  D. Eaton, N. Louwaars, and J. Engels,  2000 Transaction costs of germplasm exchange under bilateral agreements.

TA.Mushita 1999 Access, benefit sharing and trade in genetic resources.

A. Drews and A. Seiler   Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing Unresolved Issues and Recommendations Concerning the Development of International Guidelines

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)  Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing

D.K. ten Kate and A. Collis  Benefit-sharing case study: The Genetic Resources Recognition Fund of the University of California.


C. Wold 1999 The Impact of Access Legislation on the Conservation, Exchange and Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: A Review of Access and Benefit Sharing Provisions.


Deep Sea Bioprospecting: Bioprospecting of Genetic Resources in the Deep Seabed: Scientific, Legal and Policy Aspects. A UNU-IAS Report 2005.

UNU-IAS 2004 Industry Involvement in Antarctic Bioprospecting       

David Greer and Brian Harvey 2004  BLUE GENES: Sharing and Conserving the World's Aquatic Biodiversity. Earthscan/IDRC

Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas: Some Legal and Policy Considerations. (Tullio Scovazzi, 2003)

Bioprospecting the Marine Resources: Conservation Concerns and Management Implications.  ICUN 

Clear rules needed to govern deep sea bioprospecting: UNU


K. Boa-Amponsem and G. Minozzi 2007 The state of development of biotechnologies as they relate to the management of animal genetic resources and their potential application in developing countries.  (本網站

Ilse Kohler-Rollefson 2005  Building an International Legal Framework on Animal Genetic Resources

Kaal-Lansbergen and Hiemstra 2003 Relevance of Access and Benefit Sharing for Farm Animal Genetic Resources






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