
 植 物 種 源

Plant Germplasm Resources













































  期 末考







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一些 名詞:    

種源(germplasm resources)
種原批號(germplasm acession number)
基因庫(gene bank):包括DNA、細胞、組織、以及種子。
種原庫(germplasm bank):包括細胞、組織、以及種子。
種子庫(seed bank):種子




楊嘉棟 稀有及瀕絕植物之遷地保育 

陳志輝 稀有及瀕絕植物的調查及監測方法--美國自然保育協會自然襲產計畫在加州之執行現況



Ethnobotany in Taiwan (本網站)



遺傳資源的取得與利益分享 (2005)


農業遺傳資源的管理與利用 (2005)


植物資源取得與惠益分享的國際規範 (2005)


國際 糧農植物種源條約 (2002)














種原庫的種子技術(1995 另見網路種子學)


















陳文郁 1981 小越瓜的故事 --請重視作物在來品種的保存





PGR 參考書目

Biodiversity International (IPGRI)
Kew Gardens



小山鐵夫 1984 資源植物學:研究方法入門。東京講談社(李叡明譯,台北淑馨出版社,1993)。

王宗訓 1989 中國資源植物利用手冊。北京中國科技出版社。

台灣省農業試驗所(編) 1995 作物種原保育技術研習會專刊。台灣省農業試驗所,霧峰。

台灣省農業試驗所(編) 1997 蔬菜種原保育技術研習會專刊。台灣省農業試驗所,霧峰。

台灣省農業試驗所(編) 1997 果樹種原保育技術研習會專刊。台灣省農業試驗所,霧峰。

林俊義,范明仁,邱輝龍(編) 1998 作物種原野外採集訓練專刊。台灣省農業試驗所,霧峰。

林曜松  (編) 1998 生物多樣性前瞻研討會論文集。農委會,台北。

周昌弘,彭鏡毅,趙淑妙(編) 1987 台灣植物資源與保育。中華民國自然生態保育協會,台北。

岩佐俊吉 1974 熱帶no有用植物。日本農林省熱帶研究中心。

張宇和,盛誠桂(編) 1983 植物的種質保存。上海科學技術出版社,上海。

張德慈 1997 植物遺傳資源-未來植物生產的關鍵農業試驗所,霧峰。

游以德,陳玉峰,吳盈 1990 台灣原生植物。(上﹑下冊)淑馨出版社,台北。

農業委員會 1989 自然保育推廣教育義務工作手冊。台北。

應紹舜 1993 瀕於滅絕的生物及保育。台灣植物研究服務中心,台北。

謝順景,劉大江,孫翠澐(編) 1983 台灣作物遺傳資源之利用。農業試驗所,霧峰。

Akerele, O., V. Heywood and H. Synge 1991 Conservation of Medicinal Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Aoki, K.  2007 Seed Wars: Cases and Materials on Intellectual Property and Plant Genetic Resources. Carolina Academic Press.

Ausubel, K. 1994 Seeds of Change: The Living Treasure. Harper Collins, San Francisco.

Biber-Klemm, S.  and T. Cottier (Eds.)  2006 Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives. CABI Publishing.

Board on Agriculture, National Research Council 1991 Managing Global Genetic Resources: Forest Trees. National Acad. Press, Washington.

Board on Agriculture, National Research Council 1991 Managing Global Genetic Resources: The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System. National Acad. Press, Washington.

Brown, A.H.D., O.H. Frankel, D.R. Marshall and J.T.Williams(eds) 1989 The Use of Plant Genetic Resources. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Campbell, D.G. and H.D. Hammond (eds) 1989 Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries. New York Botanical Garden. New York.

Chang, T. T. 1976 Manual on Genetic Conservation of Rice Germ Plasm for Evaluation and Utilization. IRRI, Manila.

Chadha, M.L., A.M.K. Amzad Hossain and S.M. Monowar Hossain 1993 Germplasm Collection, Evaluation, Documentation, and Conservation. AVRDC, Tainan.

Cox, E.H.M. 1945 Plant Hunting in China. Oldbourne, London.

Cronk, Q.C.B. and J.L. Fuller 1995 Plant Invaders. Chapman and Hall, London.

The Crucible Group 1994 People, Plants, and Patents : The Impact of Intellectual Property on Trade, Plant Biodiversity, and Rural Society. IDRC(International Development Research Centre ),原來網址 http://www.idrc.ca/books/725/725.html

Dodds, J.M.(ed) 1990 In Vitro Methods for Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. Chapman and Hall. London.

Dutfield, G.  2000 Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and Biodiversity. IUCN-Earthscan Publ., London.

Dutfield, G.   20004 Intellectual Property, Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge. Earthscan Publ., London.

Ford-Lloyd, B.V. and M. Jackson 1986 Plant Genetic Resources: An Introduction to their Conservation and Use. Edward Arnold, London.

Frankel, O.H., and E. Bennett (eds) 1970 Genetic Resources in Plants: their Exploration and Conservation. Blackwell, Oxford and Edinburgh.

Frankel, O. H., and J. G. Hawkes (eds) 1975 Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Hawkes, J.G., N. Maxted and B.V. Ford-Lloyd 2007 The ex situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. Springer.

Hawksworth, D.L. and A.T. Bull (Eds.) 2007 Plant Conservation and Biodiversity. Springer.

Given D.R. 1994 Principles and Practice of Plant Conservation. Timer Press, Portland, Oregan.

Guarino, L., V. Ramanatha Rao and R. Reid 1995 Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines. CAB International, Wallingford.

Henry, R.J.  (Ed.) 2006 Plant Conservation Genetics. Food Products Press.

Holden, J.H.W. and J. T. Williams (eds) 1984 Crop Genetic Resources : Conservation and Evaluation. George Allen and Unwin, London.

Hsieh, S.C. (ed) 1987 Crop Exploration and Utilization of Genetic Resources. Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station, Taichung.

Hutchinson, J. (ed) 1974 Evolution Studies in World Crops. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Iriondo, J.M., N. Maxted,  and M.E Dulloo 2007 Conserving Plant Genetic Diversity in Protected Areas: Population Management of Crop Wild Relatives. CABI.

Jackson, M.T., B.V. Ford-Lloyd and M.L. Parry 1990 Climate Change and Plant Genetic Resources. Belhaven Press, London and New York.

Juma, C. 1989 The Gene Hunter: Biotechnology and the Scramble for Seeds. African Centre for Technology Studies, Research series No.1, Zed Books Ltd, London.

Kelly, J. 1993 The National Plant Collection. Dial Press, Addlestone, England.

Kesan, J.  (ed.) 2007 Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change. CABI

Kloppenburg, J. K. 1988 First The Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology 1492-2000.. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Kloppenburg, J. K. (ed) 1988 Seed and Sovereignty: the Use and Control of Plant Genetic Resources. Duke Univ. Press, Durham.

Knutson, L. and A.K. Stoner (eds) 1989 Biotic Diversity and Germplasm Preservation, Global Imperatives. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Leadlay,E. and S. Jury (Eds.) 2006 Taxonomy and Plant Conservation.  Cambridge University Press.

Maxted, N., B.V. Ford-Lloyd, S.P. Kell,  J.M. Iriondo, M.E. Dulloo and J. Turok (eds.) 2007 Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI

McManis, C. (Ed.) 2007 Biodiversity and the Law: Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge. Earthscan Publications.

Mooney, P.R. 1979 Seed of the Earth. A Private or Public Resources? Institute for Food and Development Policy. San Francisco.

Phillips, P.W.B. and C.B. Onwuekwe (Eds.) 2007 Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution. Springer.

Reed, B.M.  (Ed.) 2007 Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide.  Springer.

Seigler, D.S. (ed) 1977 Crop Resources. Academic Press. New York.

Tu, C.C., T.T. Chang, M.J. Fan and J.Y. Wang (eds.) 1994 Plant Germplasm Conservation: Perspectives for the 2000s. Proceedings, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung.

Young, J.A. and C.G. Young 1986 Collecting, Processing and Germinating Seeds of Wildland Plants. Timber Press, Portland, Oregan.



民族植物學 Ethnobotany                             回課程  回書目

王相華 1995 民俗植物-恆春社頂部落。林試所林業叢刊第63號。

林試所 1998 恆春半島民俗植物。林試所1998行事曆。

Anderson, E.F. 1993 Plants and People of the Golden Triangle: Ethnobotany of the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. Dioscorides Press, Portland.

Cotton, C.M.  1996 Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

Cox, P.A. and S.A. Banack (eds.) 1991 Islands, Plants, and Polynessians: An Introduction to Polynesian Ethnobotany. Dioscorides Press, Portland.

Martin, G. 1994 Ethnobotany and Plant Conservation. WWF Conservation Series.

Martin,G.J. 2004 Ethnobotany: A Methods Manual. Earthscan Publications.

Minnis, P.E. (eds.) 2000 Ethnobotany : a Reader. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Prance, G.T. and M.J. Balick (eds.) 1990 New Directions in the Study of Plants and People. The New York Botanical Garden, New York.

Schultes, R.E. and R.F. Raffauf 1990 The Healing Forest: Medical and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia. Timber Press, Portland.

Schultes, R.E. and S. von Reis (eds.) 1995 Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline. Dioscorides Press, Portland.










PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia, series)                  回課程   回書目

bullet PROSEA 1: 'Pulses'  1989
bullet PROSEA 2: 'Edible fruits and nuts'  1991
bullet PROSEA 3: 'Dye and tannin-producing plants'  1991
bullet PROSEA 4: 'Forages'  1992
bullet PROSEA 5: 'Timber trees'  1992
bullet PROSEA 6: 'Rattans'  1992
bullet PROSEA 7: 'Bamboos'  1992
bullet PROSEA 8: 'Vegetables'  1992
bullet PROSEA 9: 'Plants yielding non-seed carbohydrates'  1996
bullet PROSEA 10: 'Cereals' 1996
bullet PROSEA 11: 'Auxiliary plants'  1997
bullet PROSEA 12: 'Medicinal and poisonous plants'  3 volumes, 1999, 2001, 2003
bullet PROSEA 13: 'Spices'  1999
bullet PROSEA 14: 'Vegetable oils and fats'  2001
bullet PROSEA 15: 'Cryptogams'  2 volumes,  2001, 2003
bullet PROSEA 16: 'Stimulants'  2000
bullet PROSEA 17: 'Fibre plants'  2003
bullet PROSEA 18: 'Exudates'  2000
bullet PROSEA 19: 'Essential-oil plants'  1999

Hu, S.T. P., D.B. Hannaway and H.W. Youngberg 1992 Forage Resources of China. Pudoc, Wageningen.

Jansen, P.C.M. et al (eds) 1991 Basic List of species and Commodity Grouping. Final Version. Pudoc, Wageningen.

Siemonsma, J.S., and N. Wulijarni-Soetjipto(eds) 1989 Plant Resources of South-East Asia. Proceddings of the First PROSEA International Symposium. Pudoc, Wageningen.

Westphal, E.W. and P.C.M. Jansen (eds) 1989 Plant Resources of South-East Asia: A Selection. Pudoc, Wageningen.

Zeven, A.C. and J.M.J. de Wet 1982 Dictionary of Clutivated Plants and their Regions of Diversity. excluding most ornamentals, forest trees and lower plants. Pudoc, Wageningen.







Biodiversity International  (IPGRI)

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外接詳細出版目錄:BI (IPGRI) 的出版目錄

1.Directories of Germplasm Collections:

1.I, food legumes 1.II, soybean

2. root and tuber crops

3.I, wheat 3.II, maize 3.III, rice 3.IV, sorghum and millets 4.V, barley

5. vegetables

6.I&II, industrial crop

7.I, tropical and sub-tropical fruits and tree nuts. II,                               temperate fruits and treenuts.

8. forages(grasses, legumes, etc)


for Allium spp., almond, Amaranthus, annual Medicago, apple, apricot, bambara groundnut,bannana, barleys, beets, Beta, Brassica campestris, Brassica & Raphnus, cashew, cherry, chickpea, citrus, Cocao, coconut, coffee, Colocasia, cotton, cowpea, cruciferous crops, Echinochloa millet, eggplant, faba bean, finger millet, forage legume, grape, groungnut, Hevea, kodo millet, lentil, lima bean, lupin, maize, mango, oat, oilpalm, Panicum miliaccum & P. sumatrense, papaya, pear, pineapple, Phaseolus augustifoilus, Phaseolus coccincus, Phaseolus vulgaris, pigeon pea, potato, rice, rye & triticale, safflower, sesame, Setaria italica & S. pumila, sorghum, soybean, sugar cane, sunflower, sweet potato, tea, tomatoes & wild relatives, tropical fruit, Vigna aconitifolia & V. trilobata, Vigna mungo & V. radiata, Vigna spp. wheat, wheat & Aegilops, winged bean, xanthosoma, yams, and others

3.Handbooks for Genebanks:

  1. no 1. The Design of Seed Storage Facilities for Genetic Conservation. (A.S. Cromarty, R.H. Ellis, E.H. Roberts, 1990)

  2. no 2. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. vol 1.,Principles and Methodology (Ellis, R. H., T. D. Hong and E. H. Roberts, 1985)

  3. no.3. Handbook of Seed Technology for Genebanks. vol 2., Compendium of Specific Germination Information and Test Recommendation. (Ellis, R. H., T. D. Hong andE. H. Roberts, 1985)

  4. No. 4. Seed Storage Behaviour: a Compendium. (Hong, T.D., S. Linington and R.H. Ellis, 1996)

  5. A protocol to determine seed storage behaviour. (T.D. Hong and R.H. Ellis, 1996)

4. Training courses: Lecture series.

  1. Scientific Manegement of Germplasm: Characterization, Evaluation and Enhancement. (Stalker, H. T. and C. Chapman, eds 1989)

  2. Collecting, Characterization and Utilization of Genetic Resources of Temperate Forage Grass and Clover. (B.F. Tyler, ed. 1987)

5.Practical Manuals for Genebanks:

  1. Procedures for Handling Seeds in Genebanks. ( J. Hanson, 1985)

6.Pratical Manuals for Handling Crop Germplasm in vitro :

  1. Shoot-tip Culture for the Propagation, Conservation and Exchange of Musa Germplasm. (Vuylsteke, D.R., 1989).

  2. Meristem-tip Culture and Virus Indexing of Sweet Potatoes. (Love, S.L., B.B. Rhodes and J. W. Moyer, 1987)

7.FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Save Movement of Germplasm :

       cocoa, edible Aroid, Legume, Musa, Sweet Potato, Yam.

8.Reports of workshops, committee or meetings:

  1. Status report on the development and application of in vitro techniques for the conservation and use of plant genetic resources. (S.E. Ashmore, 1997)

  2. Report of A working Group on Sunflower. 1991.

  3. Free Radical Damage in Stored Plant Germplasm. (E.E.Benson, 1990)

  4. Races and Populations of Maize in Yugoslavia. (I. Geric, M. Zlokolica, C. Geric and C.W. Stuber, 1989)

  5. Recalcitrant Seeds, a Status Report.(H.F.Chin,1988), including a Bibliography 1979-1987. (H.W. Prichard)

  6. Conservation and Movement of Vegetative Propagated Germplasm: in vitro Culture and Disease Aspects.1988

  7. IBPGR Advisory Committee on in vitro Storage. 1986

  8. Proceedings of the International Symposium on South East Asian Plant Genetic Resources. (K.L. Mehra and S. Sastradja, 1985).

  9. European Cooperative Programme for Conservation and Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources; Report of a Working Group on Allium. (1984)

  10. Genetic Resources of Abelmoschus(Okra). (A. Charrier, 1984)

  11. Institutes Conserving Crop Germplasm : The IBPGR Global Network of Genebanks. 1984 (Hanson, J., J.T. Williams and R. Freud)

  12. The Design of Seed Storage Facilities for Genetic Conservation. 1982 (Cromarty, A.S., R.H. Ellis and E.H. Roberts)

  13. Revised Priorities among Crops and Regions. 1981.

  14. Report of IBPGR Workshop on South Asian Plant Genetic Resources. (1978).

  15. Reoprt of IBPGR Working Group on Engineering,Design and Cost Aspects of Long-term Seed Storage Facilites. 1976

9. International Crop Network Series:

  1. no. 6, Buckwheat Genetic Resources in East ASia. 1991.
  2. no. 2, Report of a Workshop on the Genetic Resources of Wild Arachis Species. 1990

10. Newsletters

11. IBPGR Newsletter(Asia and the Pacific)

12..Annual Report

13. Geneflow (1989, 1990)

14. Technical Bulletin

  1. T.D. Hong and R.H. Ellis 1996  A protocol to determine seed storage behaviour. 

15. lssues in Genetic Resources

  1. John H. Barton and Wolfang E. Siebeck 1994 Material transfer agreements in genetic resources exchange - the case of the International Agricultural Research Centres.
  2. David Cooper, Jan Engels and Emile Frison 1994 A multilateral system for plant genetic resources:
    imperatives, achievements and challenges.
  3. .
  4. Access to plant genetic resources and the equitable sharing of benefits: a contribution to the debate on systems for the exchange of germplasm.
  5. .
  6. Dan Leskien and Michael Flitner 1997 Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Genetic Resources: Options for a Sui Generis System.
  7. Susan H. Bragdon and David R. Downes  1998 Recent policy trends and developments related to the conservation, use and development of genetic resources.
  8. John H. Barton, Wolfang E. Siebeck 1994 Material transfer agreements in genetic resources exchange - the case of the International Agricultural Research Centres Issues in Genetic Resources No. 1.

16. Technical Bulletin

  1. A Protocal to Determine Seed Storage Behaviour. (Hong, T.D., S. Linington and R.H. Ellis, 1996)




Botanical Gardens, KEW

Millennium Seed Bank Project

  1. Samara Newsletter

  2. Seed Information Database - SID
  3. Millennium Seed Bank Seed List






  1. The Botanical Gardens Conservation Strategy. (1989)

  2. Centres of Plant Diversity: A Introduction to to Projects, with Guidelines for Collaboration. (IUCN/WWF 1988)

  3. Hoyt, E. 1988 Conserving the Wild Relatives of Crops. IUCN-WWF- IBPGR.

  4. Botanical Gardens Conservation Secretariat. A Prospectus. (1987)

  5. The World Conservation Strategy. (1981)      

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